In our pursuit to keep everyone on our trip entertained our next stop on the road was in Caledonia, WI where we stayed at a Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park. Throughout our trip we ended up staying at two Jellystone Parks - this one was much better - more of a resort than the other one but both were very clean and had a friendly staff.
Of course Liam was in heaven at this campground - there was almost TO MUCH to do that by the end of the day he had had more than his share of fun. We camped here for two nights and were on the go the whole time.
Each morning you could wake up Yogi:
and then put him to bed at the end of the day:
In between that there was a large list of activities you could participate in OR just play at the playground or in the pool. There was also a mini golf course that was free to the campers.
This campground is pretty big, our space was very spacious and that weekend we were there it was packed. It was nice though because we had stocked up on groceries at Costco before we arrived so for a few days we were off the road and just enjoying being together.
Here's a few pictures of our campsite: